The World through my Viewfinder

Posts tagged ‘high school basketball team’

Week 4 – Mid Motion (Picture 1 – At the Celtics)

On Monday, my dad and I went to the Celtics game against the Magic. I love basketball, however the main reason we got the tickets was to see our school’s dance team preform during pre game. They were great and the first photo is a photo of them in the beginning of their routine. After the dance, we enjoyed a fantastic game that resulted in the Celtics winning by 31 points! Which, for those who don’t follow basketball, is a lot of points to win by. Do you enjoy watching your local sports teams compete? I sure do! When you support a local team, you get to enjoy watching them play more than you would a non-local team and this allows you to get to know the players. Granted, you may not actually have met them, but you get used to seeing them and you may start appreciating them a little more. I play on a high school basketball team and it is great to see fans coming back to our games, game after game! However, I must confess one thing… most of the fans, are our parents.

For these pictures, I borrowed my friend Noah’s 55-250mm lens. He takes great pictures, and if you haven’t checked out his pictures, you should, they’re spectacular. Anyways, I had to borrow this lens because my dad and I were sitting in the second to last row in the balcony (which is at a pretty startling angle). However, because of the long focal length of 250mm (is that the right word? I wanted to say ‘because of the long zoomyness’ but I know thats not the classiest way to put it), I could really single out the action and I really like the results. Some of the images are cropped, resulting in some noise. Sorry about that! Hope you enjoy even with the extra noise, because you know what they say, the more, the merrier!

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